improve your body POSTURE and learn to move more efficiently
These days, in our ever-more hectic lives we all to often get stuck in our minds, completely forgetting our body. So it’s no wonder that this can and often does lead to poor posture and movement. In turn, this means we use far more effort than necessary, leaving us without energy for the rest of the day.
Our body can tell us a lot, but we don’t always listen to it. In this course, your teacher Eva, will help you to hear what it is saying and rediscover a new bodily balance.
We will also deal with tension: although this is often thought of as bad, it’s something we all need! The problem is that we often use it incorrectly, causing tiredness or pain. Here again, Eva will guide you to become more aware of your tension and redirect it.
Leveraging her experience as a dancer, and using floor work, anatomical exercises and other techniques, Eva will help you rediscover the pleasure of movement and moving more mindfully through life and reconnect with your body.
We will be mostly working on a group basis but, on request Eva can give you more individualised attention. Every day we will also be a moment when we connect with nature, putting into practise the work we have learnt in class outdoors, connecting with nature.
This course is suitable for everyone. If you have any doubts about your physical condition or ability to do these classes, you are more then welcome to contact the teacher.
This course can be combined (optional) with tango classes in the evening
Optional evening course: If you want to combine this course with two hours of tango classes in the evening (from 6 to 8 pm), that is possible as well. What we will be doing in the morning might be the ideal preparation for the tango classes in the afternoon. And if you are not entirely sure if tango is something for you but would like to try it, you could have a go the fist day see if you like it!
Arrival is on the evening of 20 August, and we will start with dinner. The course will end with lunch on the 25 August.
Classes will be from 10 a.m. to 12 midday. Your remaining time will be free to explore the area, to rest or to join the tango classes in the evening. For more information on things to do in the area, please check here.
Accommodation, Food & Rates
You will be staying at Casa La Era.
Check here for more info
5 days:
Posture & Movement alone: 465 euros
Combination of Posture & Movement + Tango: 565 euros
Classes, accommodation and food.
Not included: one meal out (not for weekend visitors), transport to Cérvoles..
For full booking terms and conditions please click here.
Book early! Registrations close one month before the start date.
Eva Yufra is an Argentina-born dancer, teacher and creative.
She has danced with lots of different companies over the world and also creates her own works. Currently, she teaches dance (contact tango and contemporary) and body awareness in Barcelona.
From her many years of ballet, contemporary and contact dance and tango training, Eva has developed her own personal style to help people to work with their most basic tool: the body. She loves observing and exploring it: a healthy posture and flexible, fluid precise and consistent motion are her passion.