Do you find yourself marvelling, open-mouthed, at the sinuous, sensuous movements of the intertwining limbs of Argentina’s national dance??? Have you already taken a few classes (or none) but find yourself awkwardly crashing into your partner—or the floor—rather than eliciting gasps of admiration at your twinkle-toed skills?? Then this workshop is a must-do!
Turn the participants at your next milonga green with envy by learning from Argentinean dancer Eva! The workshop will cover the roles of both dancers, with the emphasis on communication and improvisation, and starting from the very basics.
As proper posture is key to dancing tango, this will our first focus, to be followed by techniques from contact tango, so that you may move more comfortably with your dance partner. Lastly, Eva will teach you a range of techniques to help you understand the fundamental mechanisms of tango and find your own individual way of dancing it.
This course is suitable for intermediate and above students, who have done at least a year of tango classes. No need to come with a partner!
Arrival is in the evening of 26 August, and we will start with dinner. The course will end with lunch on the 31 August.
Tango classes will be from 10 to 12 am, and from 7 to 8 pm. Your remaining time will be free to explore the area or to rest. For more information or things to do in the area, please check here.
Accommodation, Food & Rates
You will be staying at Casa la Era.
Check here for more info
5 days:
485 euros
Classes, accommodation and food.
Not included: one meal out (not for weekend visitors), transport to Cérvoles..
For full booking terms and conditions please click here.
Book early! Registrations close one month before the start date.
Eva Yufra is an Argentina-born dancer, teacher and creative.
Eva Yufra has studied dance since she was five; her background ranges from ballet, contemporary dance, composition and improvisation to Argentinian folk dances and tango. Throughout the years Eva has developed her own personal style to help people to work with their most basic tool: the body. She loves observing and exploring it: a healthy posture and flexible, fluid precise and consistent motion are her passion.
She has participated in numerous Tango and Contact Tango workshops in Argentina and Europe, such as TuDanzas, Quilombo Queer, Echo Echo, and other events. Together with Leilani Weis, she is the co-creator of Collage ContacTango and the Friends Festival.